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2024-09-01 Miss Ultra Work



2024-09-01 Working on Miss Ultra

Let her sit too long. She wet sumped and the float was sticky, causing flooding. Did all the typical stuff. Drain bowl, tap on float bowl housing, no happiness. Stuck and Wet.

Going in, thought it should be an EZ PZ job - it's an agricultural implementation, right?


Thought it best to remove the tank for better access, also do a deep clean, check connectors, etc.

This is the horn side.

Also removed the lower leg fairing for better access to front tank bolt. Many of the fasteners hadn't had anti-sieze and were really tight and squeeky. PB Blast everywhere!

Somewhat complicated. The cruise control cable an obvious after thought. The push of the push-pull is inside the bell crank.
This pic shows the CC connection.

Which is also retained by an E clip.

Carb side. Note all the smog crap on top. Can't see it does much.. one vacuum line goes into solenoid Tee, with 
two open ports on the arms of the T.

This is Keihn CV carb. HD must have off-sourced. Notice the HD logo doesn't say 'Harley'.. 40 mm. Cheap imitations available all day long..

After it wet sumped and flooded, bike sat. Today, turn gas on, and  no flooding. A miracle! She started but ran
like crap. Front cylinder very lean. 

You can see the inlet fix with expoxy done by Salty Cycle in Atascadero about 3 years ago. Carb looks clean.

Unusual carb mount. One manifold serves both cylinders. A rubber boot slips over the manifold, the carb bell mounts inside the boot. No clamps here!

Miss Mollie supervisors.

Could not do a compression test, my tester has only metric threads. On the SAE note, it was fun and weird to pull tools from the right side of the box!

Lesson leaarned. See the center wire? Do NOT loosen this nut, it holds the fuel sender assembly. I loosened it
the assembly dropped into the tank.. took 30 minutes to fish it out.. stuck in the front left corner.. sigh.

Prepping the carb for disassembly and ultrasonic bath. Remove all jets, diaphram, float and valve assembly. 

I use 50/50 CLR, distilled water and 1/2 bottle of Dawn in the bath.

Happy it looks so clean.

See the rounded screw? Most Harley techs aren't aware these are JIS screw heads, use the 'Merican stuff and this shit happens..

Carb in the bath now.


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