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2024-09-25 CBX Ride

2024-09-25 CBX Ride

The Boyz were riding a local Pozo Loop, why not let the CBX breathe a bit?

Ran a slow and fun Pozo route, finishing with a nice lunch at the Loading Chute in Creston.

I decided to keep riding so did a Loma Linda to Geneseo to Peachy Canyon to Vineyard to Las Tablas to El Pomar to Creston Road ride.

My favorite pic of the batch.

A fun day, almost 150 miles..

The CBX ran purrfectly. After cleaning and lubing the main connector by upper triple tree, my 'wagging' voltmeter appears to have settled down!
And the little digital voltmeter indicated a constant and steady 14.7 to 14.8 volts.


42.2 MPG!

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