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2024-10-11 CBX Fuse-Connector CleanUp


2024-10-11 CBX Fuse and Connector Clean Upx xxxxxx

Disconnected, cleaned, applied deOxit to the white connector at the inner fairing area. It appears this connector connects the main wiring loom to everything inside the fairing.
Two rides later, no more wiggle.


A small dvm I temporarily installed, (and compared readings to a Fluke 87, same readings) and no more wiggle. The DVM reads a solid 14.7 to 14.8 at freeway speeds, 13 and above at idle.

Encouraged, decided to clean up easily accessed other fuses/connections. All look super bright and shiny. Not sure it made any difference but what the hell, right?

Main fuse behind here. It's a metal strip, not a conventional glass or spade fuse. This pic after reassembly, the wetness is left over dOxit.

Main fuse guts.

Same treatment for connectors on RHS.

And these guys too.

What these fuses do..

Current (pun intended!) mileage.

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