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2024-11-20 Don Smith's Tenere


Don Smith 2012 Super Tenere


Deductions made from Shade Tree Techs


  1. No signal pulse to COP on yellow connector marked ‘NFG’

  2. No signal pulse to injectors

    1. As viewed on MicSig auto o’scope

  3. Throttle butterflies do not move with ignition On and throttle opened. Not sure if is is normal or abnormal behavior.


Testing Techniques


  1. All 4 COP’s proven good by substitution e.g.moved from COP to COP.

  2. 4 new spark plugs NGK Creix.

  3. 3 of 4 plugs spark good. RHS plug, #3, if counting left to right, no spark. Connected MicSig auto o’scope, no pulse. All other COP connectors had nice pulse pattern.

  4. On COP connector w yellow tape, wiggled and squeezed wires from connector back up the harness, looking for an open. None found.

  5. Both fuel injectors proven good via bench testing (9 volt battery to energize, syringe used to pressurize injector with fuel). Both have good spray patterns.

  6. Spraying starter fluid directly into throttle bodies with butterflies partially open resulted in combustion, meaning valve timing is good, decompression is ‘releasing’.

  7. Good vacuum at throttle bodies. Manually opened butterflies, placed palms over intakes, spun starter. Good suckage.


Fearless Predictions

  1. ECU Fubar or connection bad. The ECU is buried behind fuse panel and relays on upper RHS cowling.

  2. Bad wiring harness to COP with yellow tape and bad harness to FI’s. Huh. My hunch is not likely.

  3. I’ll never own a Tenere!


Other Notes

  1. Installing Valve Cover

    1. Glue gasket to head. Wait for glue to set.

    2. Loosen fuse block/ECU from upper RHS cowling. Don’t remove. Loosen.

    3. Install from front to rear. Watch the progress when looking from rear to front to know what maneuvering needs be done.

    4. Don’t mash the gasket end caps.

    5. Curse like a sailor.

    6. Have another beer.

    7. Take it to Herb!


Hope this helps,

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