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2025-01-02 Shop Cleanup


2025-01-02 Shop Cleanup

Carburetor parts supply sub in the shop. I think it's behind this cabinet. I was way due for a shop cleanup anyway due to mice shit and urine.

It was really bad. Also, I've had crap in there for 30 years. Way overdue for a cleanup.

I'm starting to clean them up to over an hour each.

I haven't found my parts yet.

Uncle Dutch waits to go back into the shop.

Notice the dog treats? The mice actually stole them from the carton and took them to the drawers to ensure the whole colony had dessert.

I will be installing anti-mice measures today.

This is mouse poop. It's very hard like a varnish for the worst of it. I had to heat it with a gun to soften it up and scrape it off with a putty, knife, yuck.


After two days of tearing the shop apart looking for the orbital needle jet.. and performing triage on my incredibe treasures,


Just sitting there minding its own business.

The shop will soon have anti-mice deterrent systems activated.
Why did it look so hard for this piece? See the little nylon washer on top? It is no longer available.

Later today, the journey will continue.

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