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2025-02-07 Of Carb Clips and Attention to Detail - making mistakes


Background information. I have two racks. One is original equipment. The other is eBay. 

The 1979 original has removable drain bolts.

The eBay rack has drain screws.

This is the carburetor from the OEM rack.
I cannot prove it, but I think wiredgeorge put a Healy coil in it.
The pilot jet is much different and the spring is shorter.

My first mistake. On the eBay rack, I forgot to put the spring retaining clip on the fuel inlet valve.
I must do better and not make these mistakes. Sometimes I want to get too much done.

I purchased carburetor kits from Zed Parts and direct from Damien Ding.
Zed Parts it appears buys from Damine Ding and both packages were *identical*.

That is when I noticed that the keepers were different between the packaging.
There were black colored ones and silver color ones.

The black ones fit very loosely, and in fact, one of the keepers had fallen off after I reassembled the carburetor
Including the float bowl. I have gone back into the carburetor to quality control on my work.

This is mistake number two. I had installed the fuel enriching plunger without an O-ring.
This O-ring isn't included in the kit, and carb had been last touched by WiredGeorge...

The first O-ring I tried was too fat.

Found a skinny one and it's good for right now. I will get OEM parts on order.

You know you have been working on KZ 1300 carburetors for too long when you spy, a screw that is unique. And part of the kit.
Meaning, you forgot to install something. Like the retaining clip on the fuel inlet valve.

Sure enough there it is.

A picture of a poorly fitting clip, black.

This color clip is good. They fit well.

It helps to take notes.


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