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2025-02-15 Los Alamos Flat Bread Pizza


Good flat bread pizza today for lunch.

Nice sunny day at lunch. Actually quite warm.

The man, the myth, the legend.

Meet up point in Santa Margarita. West Morro Bay. South on a bunch of squiggly roads.

Add coffee and bullshit, Ken F, Dave S, Cement S, Jim R, Brian L, Barrie C.

Started with riders Ken F, Dave S, Brian L, Don C, Jim R.

Ken peeled off leaving 4.

Dave peeled off, leaving 3.

After lunch, Brian suddenly peeled off, leaving 2.
Brian was low on fuel. His BMW wants to be his Ducati for poor fuel mileage?

Backside of Cuesta College.

This was new road to me!

Ormonde Rd.

The pedal pusher drafted Brian L for about 3/4 of a mile.

Not sure Brian knew he was there!

Good to see some green in dem dar hilz agin..

The End

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