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2025-02-22 Kz1300 Local Ride - Plugs Good!


Finally got the carburetors working decent on my 1979 A1. 

That after new ignition coils, wires, caps. Valve adjustment. Water pump seal replaced. Carbs completely rebuilt with Damen-Ding carb kit. Switch gear re-worked, now self cancelling turn signals work, hi-low beam switch. Reserve lighting module removed. Bigger radiator installed and bigger fan with manual switch added. CermaKoat headers with new exhaust gaskets no more leaks. New tach drive gear, new tach cable. New throttle cables. New upper to lower airbox seal. 3 minor leaks on lower engine plugs fixed.

Time for a test ride. 

Decided not to ride with the local group, as I knew, I would be stopping off, looking for problems, looking at spark plugs, and for loose parts. As such, the goal was to ride and stay in cell phone service. 

Well, it's good to have a plan. But what good is a plan if it is not followed? 

So I immediately went on back roads with no cell phone service, on total trust and insanity.

Here's a little slideshow of central California riding in the middle of winter. I hope you enjoy it.

x xxxxxx


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