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2011-09-02 NERDS Eureka CA to Creston CA

2011-09-02 Eureka CA to Creston CA

Well, this is it.. last day on the road. It's been a GREAT 3 weeks but now I find myself thinking of work issues, and shit that needs be done around the Hondarosa.   For today, though, I get to ride hiway 36 :yeah: then drone down 5 - boo. 136 rocked. 5 was phucking phast. I'm done for now.. pix 2morrow!


Starting mileage.. I wonder if I'll crack 8,000 on this trip?

Eureka has high prices on everthing.. Gas, the most expensive on the trip. Hotel, Best Western, was 120.. gasp.

<GASP> - and this for a fairly frugal motobike!

Humbodlt Bay power plant, owned by Pacific Gas and Electric company. I've not worked there, yet.

Unit 3 is g-o-n-e..

Woot-Woot Timster, I'm going to ride your road today!

For Andrew too, I ride.

Tough times are all over. 

I was going so fast the time-space continuum got confused..

Slowing down a bit brought it back into better focus..

There, all is fixed. 

Woo Hoo!

Note found on the Mad River Burger Bar trailer. 

Alaska Rider far from home...

At 11 AM, fairly quiet. 

Scary. I've heard of 'The Gathering of the Clan' but never 'Clan Dyken'!

Life viewed from behind the visor..

Stunning to ride, even with aux tank full and on worn tires. The PR2's did GREAT, btw.

Somehow, I ended up out of road and missed 'The Sign'. Oh well, guess I'll have to go back and ride it again, soonest. 
Red Bluff and the ride home was freaking HOT.

Dust devils playing havoc on dry fields.

I5 is good for making tracks.. 

Nearing home, I took a new route.. Jayne Ave to 33 to 41. This is the prison at dusk. I'm lucky to not be there, as I reflected upon earlier life.

Bad pix, but look close - 8,000 miles!

Somehow it was only fitting to return home at dusk. By the time I reached the Hondarosa, it was dark and I had the Solteks blazing..

Ending numbers.

8,049.3 miles! I should have riddent down the dirt road for .35 miles to make it an even 8050 miles?smiley

My SpotWalla tracks.. 

2011-09-05 NERDS epilog


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