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2008-04-07 RenoJohn does SLO & Monterey Counties (TWN post)

.A weekend in Carvertown

I had the pleasure of weekending at the Honderosa in Carvertown. Some wacky dude from Reno showed up too. Hilarity ensued. So did hangovers.

Somewhere along Bitterwater Road, shortly after running a bovine blockade:


Entering Parkfield. Gulp, stay steady San Andreas Fault line!:


RenoJohn braving the bridge over the fault/river:

Another 'Everywhere' shot:


Obligatory 'It's a-shakin'!' RJ ham-it-up shot:

Phew! Made it back over the fault line:


Mr. Tin E. Bladder stopping for the umteenth time:

FJR through the years on Indian Valley Road:


Ditto, but closer. Note the background:

RJ pulling into the Hondarosa's grand, main drive:

How to start the barbecue, Creston Militia style:


Real men don't need no steekin' mahcheez! Note the 'gopher gun' on the right. omg.gif :


Our cook for the night, Chef Carver:

Mmmmmmm, Tri Tip!:

Mmmmmmmm, Jack on the rocks!:

Go ahead, steal this for a 'Caption This' thread (note RJ's 'cocktail' glass laugh.gif ):

This one too!:

A hearty 'thank you!' to Don and his Loverly for putting up with us this weekend and showing us city boys some absolutely righteous roads! Hopefully, John and Don will add a few more pictures to complete the story.       

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