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2012-03-26 KrZy8 First Ride New Engine

So after the big weekend of swapping engines, for me a Thursday - Sunday all-out drag down knock out affair, I slept in today (took the day off from work) and took KrZy8 out for her new maiden voyage! 

And yes, I packed a crap load of tools, just in case.
Call me foolish, but a prepared fool!

Like so many other pix, leaving the ranch.

Tool pack strapped on the back!

Not the *true* engine swap mileage pix, but very close, within 6 miles worth!

Now then, since this *is* a CBA ride and all, first things first! Food!

KrZy8 patiently waits an thinks..
"Doode, it's been 11 months since my previous peep destroyed my bud, the frame, and 8 months since I've been sitting in a commercial metal building, waiting for you to transplant me into a willing chassis. Let's fucking RAWK! Hurry up with all that food crap, huh?" , sayeth new engine.

Her first fill up. <tear in eyes>

Morro Bay rock! Aint she purty?
(KrZy8, not that ugly ol' rock!)

North to Cayucous...

Up to Whale Rock reservoir.

Another boring road.. 

Yes, a barn for Andrew, OrangevaleFjr, just because. 

As Tim, Twowheelnut once called me 'TinyEbladder' I have to live up to the moniker!

Dang my bad luck... what a POS road!

Yes, be careful where you pee, my friend!

Chimney Rock road, east bound, towards the junction to Naciamento Lake.


Fuller than expected given our limited rain this year.. bridge one year older than me.. <really?>

Discharging water for the farmers in Monterey county..

Ahh, sweet ol' KrZy8!

One of my favorite 'hidden' spots..Lake San Antonio in the background.


Road closed? Humph! Watch me...


The Lockwood general store. You should stop in sometime, especially if you are a city slicker.



Even got some freeway work in the day's ride too. 101S heading into Paso de Robles, CA. Yes, that guy has a bubble gum machine on roof top.  Blew by me at 90, so WTFO, you're a game warden? I'll  run with yah!

That's San Miguel to the west. If you haven't been there, you should. It has a really nice old CA Mission there..

Ahh, BustaNut lives everywhere, if you think of it!

Bust, stay away from this one, 'k? 

Great pictures as well!

I watched the transplant from home, as much as I could anyway. Very impressed!

I'm hoping to get up to Creston for a picture of your Post Office. Perhaps we could hook up for a sandwich and a ride!

Life is good!

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