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2012-03-31 Removing FJR DogBones


  1. No front stand required or jacking under the engine.
  2. Put bike on center stand.
  3. Place floor jack under back rear of the right swingarm.
  4. Loosen all dogbone nuts and bolts.
  5. Raise swingarm slightly until the upper dogbone bolt can be easily removed.
  6. Remove lower shock mount nut and bolt.
  7. Rotate lower shock mount until lower dogbone bolt can be removed.
  8. Install new dogbones and lower mount nut/bolt.
  9. Install lower shock mount bolt/nut.
  10. Raise swingarm using floorjack until the upper dogbone mount bolt/nut can be installed.
  11. Lower floorjack. 
  12. This job took me 15 minutes and is easy weasy, except I raised the rear but same job.

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