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2008-12-22 Me n KrZy8 Went Exploring

.and paid a fork seal for the fun

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon when riding now that I have Wabs (can do dirt) n' Krzy8 (not so much.)
When on Wabs I find really bitching great high speed fresh pavement.
On Krzy8 I find really kool dirt connecting roads that are in various states of, uhh, detoriation.


So Saturday I took Wabs down the paved path to, finally, the dirt path, with the intent of riding pure dirt over the highest pass in my area. Of course, the Safety-Nazis decided that such an adventure was NOT to be allowed, and the path was (for a State agency) really shut down. No way through, even on the sides, or after back-tracking re-circling for 2 miles. Phuck.

So, time to head back home, retracing tracks. Not so bad, really, kinda a fun route anyway. What do I find?
A great high speed paved road I've never been on before. Cool! clapping.gif

Roll on to Sunday.. Time to take Crzy8 out for some speed stuff. You know... fresh tires, excellent suspension... here were go!
So what do I find? The most bitchen-RenoJohn-qualified dirt dirt interconnecting road the county has to offer. One part, waaaay steep for an FJR; keep the speed and make the grade or just piss off $1,200 in tupperware.. See what I mean about the dichotemy here?

Me n'Krzy8 made the grade, but paid a price..
about 1/2 way up the 'grade' a huge (FJR-on-a-wet-dirt-phucked-up-road) was dead center. No escape, no surrender. Slow down, noooo way to make the top, certain tip-over. Keep the speed, and pay the unknown price..

Well, a future price is almost always better to pay than crashing n' burning right phookin now, so we made it through, LOL.

Get home, blown left front fork seal. I mean as in bleeding really bad. Juice everywhere. Gone. Goodnight.

Stopped by only Yamaha dealer on way home from work, the freaking parts kid didn't even know an FJR1300 was a Yamaha.. so good bye shop, I used to know yah.. mad.gif Off to find Gary McCoy...

Ooops, too long of post..

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