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2012-08-02 Gathering of Clans, Eureka, CA


Wabinated up to the Gathering of the Clans. 500 miles 1 day on the IttyBittySixFiddy. Not too many pix of ride up, 101 Northbound and down.

Almost made it in time for dinner! The salmon was really good, got to meet Trent, 2006FJR and Boz, the wildman!

All the lights made me want to go all John Travolta.

Gary of Gfran fame.

Next day Jorsten and I took out to ride the 'Lost Coast'. This was the trip's highlight day.

Fascinating old Victorian style buildings and funky culture are found in Ferndale. Modest housing prices too, I hear.

Found this old cemetery on a hill side. See pix below for history. See the guy in the truck at top? Yep, couldn't get around him..

Jorsten, Steve, and Sputnic the bling-bling-BMW.

Found Wildcat road in Fendale, looked like it went through to Matole Rd, so we grabbed a gear and went.

About half way up, nothing but sunshine and warm temps, baby! WooHoo!

Down there, somewhere in the fog, is Eureka.

Yet another barn shot for Andrew, OrangevaleFJR.

Panoramic shot of barn and road and green everywhere.

Wabs and the GS1200 were perfect for this road.

Worked west to the ocean, the views getting better with each corner.

RenoJohn would say Groovy!

I don't know if the lighthouse used to be out there and has been removed, or simply not visible from shoreline, but I didn't see no stinking lighthouse. Long live E Clampus Vitus!

Yes, the wind was howling. Heated jacket was nice luxury today.

Got to love it. Need a bridge. Have planks of steel. Weld them up. Call it good. No load signage to be seen. Drive across see what happens.

A lonely cross marks what? A sailors death? A friends ashes? A good dog's final nap?

We be Wabinating!

Finally, some dirt and Jorsten was able to get BlingBlingBmw dirty!

Traffic alert ahead. Quad slowing up the show!

Jorsten and Sputnic.

The next day was a FWFE (FarWestFastEddie) led ride around Eureka. Always great to have a local show the backroads.

MCML and a mysterious rider on an FJR.

They Harley guy is Mark, MCML's bud and a real nice guy. He

Terri of Rob and Terri takes a break.

MCML, FWFE, Errin, FjRay, Mrs. Buganatr, Gayle.

and Me. The road behind went for 6 miles.

Marks Harley, looking like a Harley should!

FWFE, Bugnatr, MCML having a good hoot over something or the other!

Near Ferndale, IIRC. I liked the big sign guy.

PuppyDawgs and Harley Davidson's. Both are chick magnets.

 I'm a good boy, say do you have any food you could toss my way? Well, do you, huh? I'm kinda hungry you know...

A true Candy Butt Association ride! Our first stop turned out to be a pee break, beer break, more pee and then food too. Sunshine was shining, the day was warm and no one in a hurry. Nice.

Our Fearless Leader FWFE.

Well kept Victorian houses everywhere.

DjBill getting his mad foto skilz on.

Some in flight road shots of bikes in action.

Joseph, MCML and the silver steed.

Water, minerals, rock and wood art.

I guess it's a sign of the times, but really, a used needle dispenseary in the mens room?

Yet another CBA break on the way to lunch. Yes, we haven't had lunch yet!

This is Emily, what a sweetheart.

The road goes on forever, and the party never ends! Lots of green and sunshine today. WootWoot for us, the Wabinator and dCarver!~

Lunch time!

Check out the pier with all the aluminum railing. Must have cost a fortune.

Nice tongue, Terri!


Tyler, stalking poor harmless birds and harassing them with promises of food.. but noooo, no food for you, little bird maties! 

I'm a seal, in the sea of love.

Ready to leave and head back to Eureka for some drinking, fun, and frivoloties.

Errin, she rides the wheels off that Viffer.

This cracks me up - Accessiblele Entrance to where? The water below?

Where we was, Trinidad Bay.

The next morning was go home time - a small squall made its way through during the night.

Less than 20 miles south of Eureka, the day bloomed f a b o u s l y~!

I've always wanted to explore 'Confusion Hill' on 101 and this joint too. Besides, this place had a bathroom and I need to go.

Bigfoot going to get you, hombre. Best start running now. Me n' Wabs not afraid though, we have horsepower.....

And besides, I'm scarier than BigFoot!

It's a good thing I don't have room on Wabs, this trip could have gotten to be expensive with lots of unneeded stuff.

Here's a picture of the famous Elbow Tree. Known around world, tourists come from every corner of the plante to see this tree.

 My next educational stop, Confusion Hill! Hey, I'm confused most all the time so it's only appropriate, yes, that we stop for some more, please?

I did however, save the train ride for another day...

But Gravity House kept pulling me in.. I mean, it's only 5 bucks!

And water runs uphill, pregnant woman have induced labor and birth, grown men have left scared and screaming like little girls!

See what I mean?

Check out the most secure fastening system for the bar this gal is hanging from. Los Robustos members not allowed to try this one!


Truly weird stuff going on in this neck of the woods.

Like water running uphill!

The twin tower trees.

This is still a family owned and run operation, kind of cool.

World famous, hey the sign said it was world famous, Chipalope! Beware your  nuts around this critter, he will steal you blind...

That was all of the pix for the next to last day ride. Ended up in Healdsburg, north of San Francisco, woke up the next day and headed south. Here's the same bridge I came across on heading north. Going north it's 5 dollars. Heading south, free?

No comment, really. Won't say nothing about it.


Really good food here... Heading to Fenton, ride down 9 then over to the coast. Got to stay out of the inland heat.


Into the Henry Coe redwoods. Way to many people there..

Like this slow guy.


Approaching Moss Landing, the farming takes over from the redwoods.

The mighty Moss. Spent sometime here a few years back..

Wabs wants to go sailing, perhaps?

Weird things you see on the road... LOL.

The day was awesome. Heated jack on 20%, very little to no fog..


The ocean was turqoise at the shoreline, more so than I've seen before.

A friend of mine does lots of volunteer work here..

This freaking guy from Illinois, towing a trailer wider than his mirrors held up 20+ cars for sometime. Me n Wabs got around though!

Road construction on the 1.

Will be nice when completed!

Kirk campground is always full. I stop to wish I could find a spot sometime to camp.

HoHumm yet another beautiful view.

More out of state slow pokes, leading their very own personal parade!

Getting very close to home now, this is on 46 East, between Cambria and Paso Robles.d

Arrived home to find my RR wiring harness from RoadCrafterCycye, Jack, had arrived. I wonder why the terminals are backwards, not in the same plane?

This ain't right, the fuse leads had to be bent to fit into the holder..

Well, that's it. Another wonderful ride with even better peeps. Next up is FjRay's RTE in La Pine Oregon!

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