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2009-01-12 January 12th, 82 degrees F - whats a guy to do?

...ride to Jalama Beach and get a chili cheese burger, of course!

Stopped by the salt mine to pick up a digi camera for the epic ride..

Stopped by San Luis Motorsports in San Luis Obispo, CA, to pick up a new oil filter for WABS. Rumor has it this dealership too is in deep doo-doo...

Ain't WABS pretty? What a gurl..

Met up with retired and 'always ready to ride' Barry (Airhead124?) from here and he showed me some roads I've never seen before, and I thought I knew them all. OH, by the way, it was 80+ degrees F, riding in mesh gear and still too hot.. Sorry, all you frozen bastids, move to Kali-Land and ride with the Candy Butt Association wimps..

My Jalama cheese chili with cheese burger.. Ummm. I'm still burping, 4 hours later.

Barry's lunch... Yummie.. Screw all the HotDogs that KaitsDad always talk about... rolleyes.gif

Barry sez, urrp, now THAT was a good burger!

Leaving Jalama Beach..

Typical (yawn... ho-hum shot)

Sorry boyz, have to rub it it. We live with earthquakes, fire, flooding and weird Kali folks.. but then again..



On the other hand, and this pix doesn't show it so, good, but here is where me n' WABS took our first soil sample...

Thanks to Barry for a) being available to ride on SHORT notice and cool.gif showing me some GREAT back roads.. rolleyes.gifyahoo.gif

For all you frozen cold bastids looking at nothing but ugly ass snow, black ice and... what not? fuck.gif
Oh, wait, that ain't nice, is it... Ok, unsure.gif soo-Sorry...

I hope you enjoyed the ride-along...


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