I wanna go and look at some old machine shops -
For you guys in the Seattle area. Go to the museum of flight and check out the ship building stuff. It's all run by flat belts driven by a Fairbanks Morse single cylinder engine. It came out of the boatyard I worked in on San Juan island. We were still useing it when it was donated to Boeing. The airplane builder started building boats.
If you guys are ever in the Fort Myers, FL area. Go to the Thomas Edison summer estate which is next door to the Henry Ford estate where Edison had a full work shop with all belt driven equipment to built all the things he invented. It all still works. He had the first all electrified house in Florida that still has all the original light bulbs in it that sill work. It's a must see for all of us who remember that stuff.
For you guys in the Seattle area. Go to the museum of flight and check out the ship building stuff. It's all run by flat belts driven by a Fairbanks Morse single cylinder engine. It came out of the boatyard I worked in on San Juan island. We were still useing it when it was donated to Boeing. The airplane builder started building boats.
Ray is right about the Museum of Flight they have lots to see! Great Radial Engine cut aways just lots of cool stuff, well worth the visit.
..and go see Pops