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2016-06-18 Desert To Sea To Desert

From the desert of Creston and Paso Robles to the sea of Cambria and Morro Bay.

Santa Rosa road, off of hiway 41, just east of Paso Robles. Interesting rock formation.

Old barn for Andrew, OrangevaleFJR. Still remember.

Canopy cover on Santa Rosa rd.

At the peak and looking west.

Nice twisty road, and I'm in a true CBA mood. KrZy8 idling, coasting in neutral.

Nice and cool here, unlike the desert temps I had just come from.

Wish I knew more about geology. What kind of rock? What causes this formation?

The west end of Santa Rosa, very near Cambria, CA.

Local high school.

Downtown Cambria, old section.

Cambria pines hotel and restaurant.

On the way to Cayucous.

Morro rock in the distance.

The Sea Shanty has the best home made pies. Are you listening, Niehart?

The rock named Morro!

The touristy part of Morro Bay. It was busy.

More rock.

A little cafe across from Morro Bay state park.

Back in the day, Highlander had Gathering of the Clans here, at the community campground. I wanted to check it out.

Still nice as ever! And showers too.

One last shot, then back to the heat.

The end.

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