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2016-07-06_Jon_Gualala To Eureka

2016-07-06_Jon_Gualala To Eureka

The route.

WOW! A phenomenal wake up this morning. Although I did not sleep so well last night. Apparently, eating five slices of pizza and drinking some whiskey just might lead to an upset stomach. JSNS.

The view from my window. Not bad.

Summertime is not the correct season to travel the California coastline. It is normally very foggy, Cool, and damp. This is the first time I've seen sunshine in Gualala, California.

This is the same shot I took from sunset the night before..

kly priced

This picture is for my friend Joseph. I'm sure you will bring back fond memories. Used to be known as BONES restuarant.. and one hot waitress...

More incredible views..

Entering Pt. Arena...

Wonder what folks do to make a living here...

So I found another lighthouse. But they wanted $7.50 so I did not attend.

It does look nice though...

Further up the road... Unusual plant sculptures by the firehouse...

I bet old ToeCutter doesn't have stuff like this at his firehouse!

..and barns. I remember you, Andrew. OrangevaleFJR! 

I'm getting pretty good at catching all these pix 'on the fly'. I rarely get off the bike to compose. It's a new pix category...

For my bud RJ...who I never hear from anymore.. hmmm..

Interesting archeticture. Wonder which half came first?

Sooo then, right or left turn?

View to the right...

and left...

Left it is!

I have discovered that allot of very rich folks live here.. 

For me though, a simple salad is good enough...

at a cafe frequented by regulars who appreciate the staff and the food..

simple folks, working hard, providing good food and service. I Like that.

GHere's the place, Fort Bragg, CA. Now you know. 

Leaving out, found this old wooden bridge. I like wooden bridges...

and barns with CDF trucks too..

Check out the clouds and fog.. Disregard the stupid cage driver if you can...

Pretend for a moment you're atop an incredible vehicle capable of speeds unimiagned by most peeps.. with this for your view. And you can pass at will any turd in you way....

To think someone lives here...

Making good progress at a CBA pace!

Garberville! Some memories there.. from a time ago...

Ran across these 3 pirates at the last gas station. They wouldn't even look at me. So I passed them.. Adios, fuckers!

To be continued...

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