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2016-07-14_Jon_Alturas To Chico

The route.

So much for an early start. Woke up and it was past 0900 and already 80+ degrees F.

Never the less, it's time to hit it.

The BOE lodge. Love the classic style.

Where you can buy critter food...

Or repair RR tracks. One stop shopping.

Another view.

Entering Canby, CA, on 299 West.

Another post office for my bud RenoJohn. Wonder what he's up to these days?

Cool art work, homemade, and of stuff I like!

Old barn, pix taken with different camera filters. Which one do you like best?

The combine driver was on hot chickadee. I didn't get her pix though..

Church, complete with handicap access.

Small towns intrigue me.

Friendly folks, even the HD riders wave.

You just don't see this in my neck of the dry barren hills.

I must be desperate for post offices.. this one in Nubieber, CA.

Where you can buy a cafe, for cheap..

Yep, spelled it right!

Get the kids signed up for football camp!

Fall River, CA post office.

Getting closer and closer to Lassen national park.

The Zumo 550 slowly dies. The digitizer failed.

Finally, starting the climb to Lassen and the temperature drops.












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