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2009-12-23 MX at the Hondarosa

Once in a while, the wild hair wiggles and so after the waggle I find myself rediscovering riding dirt, MX. Only two rides back into it, but I'm hooked, again.

Them FJR's make decent power, but really, most of ya'll have never been on an open class MX bike and experienced full power, light weight, huge brakes, and real suspension, just sayin'.

My ride, a 2001 Yz426 is really a POS by today's 450 standards, but then again it's what I have and the primary purpose is get back in shape, lose a bunch of weight, keep sharp on the dirt thus street side riding skills. I figure the 426 is about 28 pounds heavier than a current 450. Then again, I'm about 35 pounds heavier than I should be, so when I lose the weight I'll then consider a newer ride.

I took a video for all of you street pussies - be sure to hang in there at least until the completion of lap 2...
and yes, I know, the video sucks, but it's all I could do with a hand-held camera...

BTW, the jumps are really bigger than they appear on the video. The tabletop is 90 feet, most doubles are pushing 20 to 40 feet.
Here's a short clip from the rider's perspective approaching the table top



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