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2017-08-04 Ride to GP Suspension - KrZy8 Suspension Refresh

Rode to Oxnard to have KrZy8's suspension refreshed. This is a quick summary of all things GPS.

  1. The shop is doing well
  2. Jake Zemke and his biz partner are coolio cats
  3. Dave Hodges, GPS creator, is primarily now programming and making parts
  4. Mike, (Foof or something like that?) is now doing what Dave used to do... working customers bikes (ride ins) and spending every weekend at the race track tuning for racers
  5. Brisa got hit by dually truck from behind and it messed up her lower ankle, leg, and tore the achilles. She's booted and can now put weight on it, going to PT. Oh, the idiot truck driver hit and ran her
  6. Mike really, really, really knows his craft and did a GREAT job on my suspension. His attention to detail is supurb, he's funny to talk to, has a great view of life. I like him.
  7. Waiting two years for  suspension refresh is too long. 
    1. Fork bushings were worn, but not down to base metal
    2. Rear shock is booted, Mike found lots of debri at boot bottom and recommends I clean it our periodically
    3. Front rotors are worn beyond spec
    4. Shock nitrogen down to 120 psi, should be 200. No wonder she was handling like a tank. This affects rebound

The route -


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