Hey Guys,
My fault. After all the work to get a wireless router installed and working, the HP PC wouldn't connect to the router, so the Mac was put online with only minutes to go before the service started. Somehow I missed the enable audio button.
Pretty high stress moments going on at the time..
Fairlaner got the whole thing on video, he plans to post it somewhere (utube, ustream, netflix, or something).
Walked away
Is it really crashing if you don't fall down?--
I wouldn't change a fucking thing; I've lived hard, played hard, and I ain't done yet. I've paid some severe penalties along the way, but the rewards have been so much greater; even if for just have participating in the game of life with utmost abandon. It's not who rides the furthest in a day, but rather in a lifetime.
CBA member #1, IBA #31845 and very proud of both.