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2018-06-14 NAKUSP

600 miles to Ely. Naomi did great. Jailhouse hotel sucks. But dinner was goood And cheap.


Oragami Style slideshow

Classic Style slidesow (same content, different look)


6/15-16/18 Fri/Sat- Ely F1 Air Races

Excellent breakfast All Aboard Inn. Near train museum. 

Races at Ely Airport about 5 mile out.  Very windy. 

Races delayed. 30 knots max, at 30. 

Decision to get both F1 races in the air. Not sure I agree.

Very gusty.  But nice and warm in shade... Nap time?

Inaugural race, low attendance  Hope they make it.

These birds are trailered.

About 150 to 200 mph and 10 laps.

Afternoon races cancelled.. Heavy winds.

Dinner at VFW was EXCELLENT! BBQ tri-tip, beans, bread, coleslaw... cupcake, 12 bucks! A couple of nice ladies, older, made sure to enjoin me in conversation.

Back at hotel, learned how to download all pix from icloud to mac book pro.. make room on iphone.. keep it all local.

On way to ice machine, observed a Canadian dude opening the back of a small trailer.. where a RT BMW lay on it's side. Older guy, Jim. He looked dismayed. Seriously. Went to offer help. He had the RT BUNGIED on the front, with Rock-Straps on the sides and two wimpy ty-downs on the back, over the bags.

Both mirrors were down, dangling, the bags dorked from scuffing.

Helped him get the bike upright, centered. Provided 'guidance' on how to properly bind a back to trailer. Sigh.

Great guy. 

Offered to buy me a drink so off we go, his bud Bill is already there...

Many a tale of derring do and derring don't do..

A good day!









Sunday. Rode the Northern Nevada Railroad steam locomotive, and we were robbed by banditios! After surviving that train wreck, pun intended, toured the Engine House aka Maintenance Facility building that's been servicing steam and locomotive engines since the 1900's. 

Train ride - 7 minutes long.

Choo-Choo Ely NV from dcarver220b on Vimeo.


Today rode in some threatining weather. Made it to 80 miles out of La Pine and had to suit up. Some rain, not too bad. If I hadn't suited, sure as heck would have got drenched. It was a wonderful ride across the high northen NV desert. Elevations 6k plus with cool temperatures. Chilly across the big plains mountain top.

Note to self - when back home, see if 'Range' on fuel indicator means to 'reserve' or tank 'empty'. I misjudged miles and was lucky an unexpected gas source popped up at Summer Lake, Oregon.


Nakusp 2018 Day 5 Ely to LaPine from dcarver220b on Vimeo.



A chill day hanging out with FJRay and Patti in La Pine, Oregon. Did some in-room laundry, e.g. wash in sink, hang in bathroom, turn heat lamp and hair dryer on, close door... LOL.

Rode to Ray's place where we determined what R69S parts need be sourced or returned. Took pix on iPhone for later use...

Around 1800 MadMike and Jorstin arrived. Saw the gFrans for a bit, Fran and Cindy, but the headed north to relatives house for dinner. Who else arrived? Sam, Nightshine, Robert Brocke, Steve and Cindy (Bluestreeks).

Had trouble with freaking BaseCamp making a route! Up until 11:30 pm messing with it. Gave up and manually entered waypoints into GPS.

In the morning, this worked - (exact same thing as done last night!)

  1. Make route using google mymape
  2. Export as KMZ file (do not check any of the 'boxes'). Save to Downloads folder.
  3. Open
  4. Convert KMZ file to GPX
  5. Open BaseCamp
  6. Import GPS file
  7. Transfer GPX file to Garm
  8. The end.


Written at 06:23 Wed June 20 just before heading north to Spokane!

Day 6 June 19 Tues - LaPine Chill Day - BMW Parts from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

Chief Joseph and Beartooth did NOT dissapoint! Funny, last time rode thought CJ wasn't as good as BT.

This time, the opposite.

Threating skies led to donning rain gear and good pix..

Happy to get off the mountain, cold and windy, rain a bit, temps dropped to 38F.

2018-07-03 Sheridan Chief Joseph Beartooth from dcarver220b on Vimeo.




July 6 2002. My brother passed. Thinking of him and our last ride together in Oregon. Also remembering him on todays ride through beautiful Eastern Washington.


So this post requires more than a slideshow. Bryan and Marissa were so nice to me. Gave a couch to sleep on, prepared a steak dinner to die for, and fed me breakfast in the morning. Bryan is smarter than he looks. :) He's incredibly crafty and I learned alot about timber frame houses and construction. A wonderful time with very good friends. Cherised memories.

2018-07-07 Sat- AuburnFjr TechDay from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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