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2018-08-08 Deep Well Pump


2018-08-08 Deep Well Pump Replacement

Water delivery declining for over 5 years with initial pump start up producing air bubbles in tank. The broken fitting is on the left. Initially the pump held on by the wires then the wires broke at a splice.

Each stick is 20 feet. 280 feet is where it broke. Prior to this, I could hear the pump working, but water was going back into the hole.

Long day, a bunch of sticks with motor and pump in the hole. Time to go fishing.

At least now I have some good extension cord...

The new motor is Franklin Electric wiht J-Class Sandhandler pump.

Here it is. The PVC 'schroud' over the pump is ensure water passes over the motor for cooling and to prevent sand clogging of the pump.

The old pump and motor. 26+ years in the hole. Note the black extension wire coming off the main loom, left hand side. It was *motor* wire, about 1/3rd the gage of the supply wiring. It's amazing it lasted this long, and this is where the wires broke resulting with a pump at the bottom of the hole.

New schedule 120 pipe with SS connectors, lubed with pipe dope.

Old 'contactor' e.g. power relay.

Main fuse box provides 220 VAC to controller. New controller too.

New controller.

Old controller.

Ready for final wiring and test run.

This is Mike from ProH2o. Like his motto - 'For well job done'! The black flat wire is new supply wire.

Mike stripping back the wire for connection to controller.

The 1/4" tubing is for a 'bubbler' so I can measure static water height.

It's August and HOT. Mike had this handy fan/mister unit, battery powered. It worked great.

The data.

Pressure gauge for the air depth measurement. Still need a schrader valve. Bronze piece on top is an relief valve.

Some of the hydraulics on Mike's ProH2o work truck. 

I've run approximately 10,000 gallons of water now, the system seems to work GREAT.

Many Thanks to Mike at ProH2o. He did work 'right' and clean. An example is he noted the wiring was not up to current electrical code, no grounds. He also noted that the float switch wires were marginal at best. So we updated it all. Mike is a true pro who never pressured me to spend additional money to make the entire system 'bitchen correct'. He made his observation and I made the decisions in a non-pressure situation. Greatly appreciated and I recommend Mike and ProH2o to whoever has water needs.


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