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2018-08-21 FJR Stuff For Sale


2018-08-21 FJR Stuff for Sale

  • Buyer pays shipping
  • PayPal preferred
  • USD

1 gallon Garauld drinking system. New $120. Used at $60

Remove foot peg rubber. Install. 

BeadRider. $50 new. Could use new 'bungees'. $20 and it's yours.

BeemerDon's FJR tank bag. New $190. Yours for $80.

NOTE - zipper 'handle' is broken. BeemerDon used a small caribiner instead.

NOTE - I don't have the rain cover for it.

Turn your monitor sideways for clear pic. :)


OEM radiator grill. $10.

Tabs in good shape.


1 new. 1 used and works. New and used cables. See pic. $40 you pay shipping. 

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