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Air Pump Leak

For some time now, at low rpm's, while 'grunting' a sound much like a broken exhaust manifold. Even contacted a local shop to get pricing for exhaust manifold removal, head removal too, as it's almost certain the exhaust studs will break off while in the head, then refurbish the head, put them back on as well as an Edlebrock smog legal manifold.

Today, hooked up the 18 ft dual axle enclosed trailer in order to trailer bikes out on the 3 mile long dirt road. The extra load really made the sound loud! But it sounded more like a smog pump than an exhaust leak.

Long of short, the hoobie-doobie that brings filtered air into the exhaust system EGR had blown off, leaving the  smog pump and EGR system wide open.

Connected it back up securerly and all is apparently well.

As an added bonus, the rear fuel pump decided to start working again too? Perhaps the jiggling and bouncing from the 'test hit' run down the dirt road and back?

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