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2019-01-12 Honda CBX SuperSport followed me home


Well, I pulled the trigger on a 1981 HondaSuperSport. I'm now the the 3rd owner, 10,930 miles. It arrived with a Corbin seat and pillion back rest, the original seat, original wind screen, factory service manual, and a bunch of other stuff. Best yet, it was bought locally from a guy I've known for a couple of years who rides with us regularly.

If it's true that you can judge a bike based upon where it lives, I will have no problems. The man's shop, house, vehicles are ALL in *excellent* condition. Gary has owned the bike for 18 years. He bought it from a friend, and former dealer, who didn't have the heart to donate the bike to trade school for practice on by young technicians. He saved the bike.

Turns out CBX's were made from 79 to 82. And Honda could not give the damn things away, which is why Honda corp was donating them to for the tax write-off. I was seriously debating the purchase. Let's say I paid a damn good price for the bike, arguably a bit too much.

I reached out to some of my very long-term and best trusted moto buddies for advice. The advice from a fella named Mark was best.'s my philosophy. I'm retired. I worked hard for a long time to be able to retire. I can see the sand running out of the hourglass. I want to make ME happy. Buy it. If you don't like it, you can always get your money back ...or most of it. Go for the Gusto. Grab for the brass ring. Live like there's no tomorrow.... there may not be. Your tomorrows are not as numerous as your yesterdays.

Which I have translated to my new life motto -

I can see the sand running out of the hourglass. I want to make ME happy. Go for the Gusto. Grab for the brass ring. Live like there's no tomorrow.... there may not be. Your tomorrows are not as numerous as your yesterdays.

With out further ado, here's a 1 minute video of my new to me kid!

2019-10-12 CBX Arrives from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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