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2019-04-06 King City

2019-04-06 King City from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

2019-04-06 King City

A lot of rain this winter, finally. The hills should be emerald green. Leaving out of Santa Margarita, CA.

We 101 slabbed north to Jolon Rd then Hare Canyon.

It IS nice out here!



Indian Valley Road, north of Paso Robles.



Bill on his GS.

The photos don't do the scenery justice. 

Pee break for the Tiny Bladder Crew, chapter Ibuprofen!

The gorge.



Hard to see, but this cow has DCS. Dead Cow Syndrome!

Yep. Pretty.



The 2nd left hand turn for King City. Not sure why Barrie didn't use the first left hand turn. Something about his BMW isn't a GS?


Very rarely do these hills green out.

Leaving after lunch at El Lugarcito Restaurant.

I gots me a homestead.

Joe Ely. 'The road goes on forever and the party never ends'.

Interesting disc pattern.

More green. But. In some areas, the brown tops have already started.

Interlake Road.

Lake Naciamento.

Good to see the lake nearly, if not at, 100% full.



The route.

A short video by Carolyn Carter, Thanks Carolyn!


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