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Dumb Ass Rev 2 - Naomi falls off lift


Well hell. My DumbAssery quotient is running high these days. I'm on a streak.


Finally got Naomi ready to ride. Valves, oil, headlight bulbs, minor wire re-routing.. 


Time to fill the tank with a gallon of petrol and get the old gurl off the lift.


Rock it forward off the center stand, the left foot hits the small 2x4 wood block I use when the bike is on the side stand..


.....and the block of wood kicks out, and in New York second Naomi is on her left side, 1/2 on, 1/2 off the lift.


Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck Fuck Fuck.


Call two neighbors ask for help. They immediately arrive and no one even laughs. In my hood, we laugh at *almost* anything or any predicament. But if you screw up good enough, no one laughs.


A quick visual shows the mirror, rear Canyon Cage, rear saddlebag making heavy contact. Shit. I JUST bought and installed new FZ1 mirrors.


Used a small floor jack under the front canyon cage to get the bike 'horizontal'. With 3 grown men we got Naomi back on her feet, with tires just 3 inches from the left edge of the lift. 


Carefully rolled her off the lift and examined.


To my total surprise, I got off pretty lucky. Mirror ok. Tank ok. Shift lever ok. Engine cases ok. Exhaust ok.


Right  Left bag RASHED.


I'm gonna tell people I had to 'lay her down at 143 to avoid a wreck.'


Actually, one neighbor runs 'DentPro' a mobile dent/scratch fix you up company. He knows a guy....


Out riding Naomi today for her first test run. 


What could possibly go wrong?


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