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2019-06-01 Front Wheel Bearings Loose


After last ride had the /2 on lift. Noticed too much play in front wheel. About 2 mm side to side.

Found this video.



BMW Tapered Wheel Bearings from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

2020-08-11 R60/2 Wheel Bearing Inspect

Have an appointment this week with Herb Varin at C&H MotoSports, Atascadero, to reshim the stack.
Thought I'd take a peek before hand.

Used my super-dooper speciality tool to remove the hub cap.

Wave washer underneath.

LHS bearing. I had it out before pics and cleaned alot of the grease off.

Part of the inner spacers. The 'ring' spacer sits on top and the shims go under the ring spacer and 'hub'.

Brake-side bearing. 

Per the video above, the correct method is to remove the entire stack, clean it up, then shim it on the bench. Tempting as it is to simply add a spacer or two then install, check for slop, will do it the 'right' way.

....more to come.  

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