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2019-06-04 Uncle Dutch Mirrors and LED Lights



2019-06-04 Uncle Dutch gets mirrors and LED Lights

Been running with just one mirror that vibrated so bad it was nearly impossible to see objects behind. Additionally, the rear brake light and tail light was so minimal one of my riding friends actually asked if it was not working during a day time ride. Oh, and the 6 volt OEM headlight bulb is. pretty dismal too. 

So mirrors and LED lights today.

Here's the plug and play replacement headlight bulb purchased from Bench Mark Works (Vech).

Unfortunately, this unit has an intermittent ground. Initially the high beam would work but not the low beam. Installed the OEM bulb to determine if I had a switch or wiring issue. Nope, worked perfect. Took LED bulb to the bench and with test leads and a 6 volt battery determined the base connection solder joint point has intermittent connection. Sometimes high beam would work, most times just dead.

Note this bulb doesn't really have a 'high beam' it just illuminates the second LED array on the other side.

Good solid and clean electrical connection.

Off to the LED tail/brake light. This is one *quality* unit.

Nicely encapsulated in resin to prevent corrosion.

The OEM bulb holder comes out as a unit.

Pay attention to clip orientation. If not as seen in pic, the lense will not completely seat into the housing. See pic below.

Pre test prior to final installation.

Tail light. Soooo much better!

Brake and tail lights. Hard to get iPhone pics with short arms!

The LED light when it kinda sorta worked.

Here's the bar end Albert mirrors installed on Flanders handlebar and Wixom Brothers fairing.

I think they looks GREAT!

Had a pair of soft bags so will ride and see if they stay or go. Not period correct but where does one stop?

One last pic.

The End.



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