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2019-06-08 Pine Mountain BarriesBoyz Ride


2019-06-01 Pine Mountain with BarriesBoyz

Woke up late and missed the meet-up point so rode solo out to Ventucopa for some pie with Boyz at 'The Place'.

On 101 southbound came across this nice old Porsche.

He really truly wanted to be riding my FJR..

166 Eastbound out of Santa Maria, CA

The reservoir still has water! Mitchell.

It was kind of fun to ride solo again. umm, at FJR Nominal Velocities.

Getting closer to hiway 33 where I'll turn right.

On 33. Almost to pie land.

Hope the Boyz stuck to the plan!

New to me helmet! Cheekpads waaaaay to tight. I have over 1,000 miles logged and they haven't sagged a mm.

Ready to depart from 'The Place'!

Fun road!

After eating healthy pie, it was time for some even healthier Mexican food!

Great little restaurant. Friendly waiters, good food, fast delivery!

Headed north to 166. Still some color in the hills at these higher and cooler elevations.

On our way to Taft. Well, at least the two most MANLIEST of MEN went to Taft then back west on 58. The other manginaBoyz headed west on 166 to head to the barn. indecision

Welcome to Taft!

No, really, welcome AGAIN to Taft!

58, westbound and down.

The end. A fun day and not too hot either..

Till we ride again... 

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