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2019-06-24 LED HeadLight Blues


2019-06-24 LED HeadLight Blues

Bought a LED headlight bulb to replace incandescent. 

Problem is that the incandescent works perfect, low and hig beam. The LED doesn't switch between.  High beam all the time, independent of switch position.

LED works perfect on the bench, wired direct to battery.

Good clean and mechanically strong  contacts.

Wiring in good shape too. Solid connections on tinned wire ends.

Wiring to main board above light.

Not sure what to do next.  

R60 LED from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

Here's the incandescent bulb.

R60 Incandescent from dcarver220b on Vimeo.


2019-06-25 Hi Beam LED problem FIXED!

Found the problem. Back in the day, 1960's, Uncle Dutch installed a small incandescent 6 Vdc 'high beam indicator' on the triple tree. Guess the original bulb was so dim he couldn't tell the difference between and low and high beams?

Simplyt lifting the ground wire for the hi beam indicator fixed the issue!

So there it is, another mystery of life solved.

EXCEPT.. I don't know why. Will have to ask smarter peeps than me!


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