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2019-07-08 Laying Down Rubber - Honda Car Near Hit



Lady with young daughter maybe12 or so made a left hand turn onto hiway 41 westbound today.


Right in front of me. I'm at 58 mph.


See her 'creeping' out from the left.


Spidery Sensors at 11.


No, she's not 'creeping' any more. 


She's accelerating.


I lock them up and start steering to the right, giving her as much room as I can.


To my right is bankment, if I go off road I roll.


As I slid along side the her passenger door, I see the young girls face and decide right then and there I'll roll before hitting her. She was panicked.


The idiot driver *finally* hears my screeching tires and moves left, just in time to for a miss.


I stop the car and start shaking.


She backs up, and pulls along side my driver door, in the *wrong lane of a 2 way busy hi-way*, apologizing and saying...


"I did not see you! I checked!"


"Are you OK?"


"No, you almost killed your daughter and me."


"Get going, you're in a very dangerous spot. In 30 seconds you have made two very stupid decisions with a young one in your car.


And she drove off.


Now I have 4 flat-spotted tires.


Laying Down Rubber from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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