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2019-07-20 Pine Mountain Club

Another fun Saturday ride with 'Barries Boyz' this time to Pine Mountain Club. 166 was kinda a mess with multiple trucks stacked nose-to-tail which made passing a looooooong line of trucks on a 650 DL a bit sketchy. Me thinks from now on, if 166 is in the cards, I'm riding a FJR. 

..and finally, I got to ride the back roads to 166 from Arroyo Grande to 166. Always wondered how that worked. Thanks to Barrie C.

"The Place' restaurant was excellent, as usual, with fresh hot pies just out of the oven.

New rider Kyle? dethroned me as the youngest BarrieBoyz riders on this ride and he did great! No apex blowing, running off the road, or other BS. He might have a chance to stay on 'the list'.

With all that, here's the slideshow.

Music by Dave Koz 'Life in the Fast Lane'.

2019-07-20 Pine Mountain Cafe from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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