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2019-07-26 Harley Davidson Ride Morro Bay - finding cool weather



2019-07-26 Harley Davidson Ride Morro Bay - finding cool weather

Just had $1,600 worth of maintenance on the Harley. So let's test ride. But it's HOT outside, July central coast, Kali.


So head to the beach! Morro Bay, Cayucos, San Luis Obispo.


150 miles on the day. She ran great! 


However, it is a 28 year old bike making maybe 68 horsepower weighing 772 pounds. With 140k plus miles on OEM engine.


  1. Acceleration from stop is good. Heavy flywheels high torque mean leaving from a stop is easy and fun
  2. It's S L O W on up hills. As in 60 mph 5th gear max. Downshift to 4th, rev it up, hit 5th again and B O G.
  3. Turbulence over the windscreen is HORRIBLE. As in double vision turbulence. Not vibration, but wind turbulence. The screen currently sits just below eye height so as to not look through the screen to see the road. Choices are lower or raise the fixed height. I'm going to RIFLE to see what they have for shorties.
  4. Braking is HORRIBLE. Manly-Man grip needed on front brake lever, and the rear brake easily leads to wheel lock up.
  5. It's totally FUN on swoopy back roads, 45 - 60 mph. Easy cadence, big V-Twin rocking n' rolling, thunderous exhaust ricocheting  off canyon walls, tunes blaring from the 4 external speakers (100 watts). Life is GREAT in those circumstances.

Without any further ado, here's the little video..



2019-07-Harley Ride from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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