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2019-08-10 Pozo - Barries Boyz


2019-08-10 Pozo Barries Boyz

Shandon Pee stop

Rich Oliver, Ducati rider, is fastest rider by far in our group. We had fun on 41 to Shandon. I was riding 'swooping lines' and Rich was in my back pocket riding any line I wasn't taking. It was waaaay fun and totally safe. Even the riders behind mentioned how fun it was watch. 

Shandon Church.

Post office..

Decided to ride to Pozo.

A bit goaty road but good fun on a DL650A Suzuki named WABS.

Dead grapes equals good grapes!

Goaty Goats for rent.

Intrepid leader Barrie C. Human GPS.

I'm jonesing for a big ride. Might even escape SLO/Monterey County. 

Quiet day at Pozo. Service is good when few customers are attending!

Back in the day a man actually was hung from this tree. 



Thinking of my bud Tim Bates, TWN, TwoWheelNut, who passed of massive heart attack. I purchased WABs (Wee-Strom with ABS) from Patti, his widow.

We be chillin' on the ride home after Pozo. Very lucky to live in an area with such great roads..

Today's ride.


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