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2019-08-16 KrZy8 Engine Autopsy Results


2019-08-16 KrZy8 Engine Autopsy Results

Over 7 years ago, the OEM engine was replaced. Water in cylinder. Assumed it was the head. Gave engine to FjRay to autopsy. N20sx, Carlo, needed gearbox parts. Ray gave engine to Carlo who found this..

This pic taken when we replaced the head gasket at Hal's house.

First known FJR 1300 cylinder failure?

Carlos picture.

So there it is.

This bike had sucked dirty air for years due to shop not plugging evap cannister lines when evap box was tossed after a deer strike,

Still, this look like more than dirt particulate matter.. JSNS..

No idea what got in there..

First FJR 1300 cylinder failure?


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