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2019-09-29 Distinguished Gentleman Ride


A fun ride for a good cause, the Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride in San Luis Obispo, CA. Lots of old bikes, even older riders, a nice course with zero freeways. With stops in Pismo Beach then Avila Beach for lunch.

Notice the abscense of chase trucks or any kind of support of vehicles! These riders ride with AAA and credit card.

Many Thanks to Jason Len for 'sponsoring' the local group of DGR riders and fearlessly leading the ride.

Quote of the Day

"You may wonder how I pulled county permits to park all these bikes in front of the San Luis Obispo Mission. Well, it takes 20 minutes for the cops to show up so each stop will be nineteen minutes and 30 seconds long!"


2019-09-28 Distinguished GentleMen Ride from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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