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2005-11-21 Helicoil or??

What do you use to repair threads?

Posted 21 November 2005 - 06:52 AM

To the technical guru's..

The center cases of my 87 XR600 have been apart many, many times - 3x a moto season * 10 moto seasons.. Too much HP = find the weaksest link biggrin.gif.

Now I find most of the female threads a tad, uh, weak. In the past I've used Helicoil brand inserts with some to fair success.

I've heard rumors that there are better insert solutions available.. Easier to install, better bite, last forever.

Have any of you any experience with complete thread replacement other than Helicoil? (please don't suggest welding the hole then resurfacing / drilling / tapping..)

Tx in Advance..

Walked away :) Posted ImageIs it really crashing if you don't fall down?--

I wouldn't change a fucking thing; I've lived hard, played hard, and I ain't done yet. I've paid some severe penalties along the way, but the rewards have been so much greater; even if for just have participating in the game of life with utmost abandon. It's not who rides the furthest in a day, but rather in a lifetime. CBA member #1, IBA #31845 and very proud of both.

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#2 User is offline   radman 

  • Weapon of mass dysfunction

Posted 21 November 2005 - 06:57 AM

I've always used Heli's. There are others out there, but I am not familiar with their install, and until Helis burn me, I won't be wink.gif
Shrug Atlas, Shrug

#3 User is offline   Randy 

Posted 21 November 2005 - 10:03 AM

QUOTE(radman @ Nov 21 2005, 09:57 AM)
I've always used Heli's. There are others out there, but I am not familiar with their install, and until Helis burn me, I won't be wink.gif


IBA# 23585

#4 User is offline   Penforhire 

Posted 21 November 2005 - 10:30 AM

+2, I use 'em often at work, and they work!

#5 User is offline   jestal

Posted 21 November 2005 - 11:06 AM


#7 User is offline   skyway 

Posted 21 November 2005 - 11:10 AM

Here are 2 alternatives to helicoils that work real well.

The cheapest way to go, yet still offers a much stronger alternative to a helicoil is the e-z Lok system. They are suppllied with thread lock on the outside and are a simple drill and tap installation. They are available from mcmaster carr and similar suppliers.

Now, if you want the mother of all threaded inserts for a bulletproof permenant fix, I have used them in high stress aerospace applications and they are the cats meow. An expensive route to go, but if you only want the best, look no further. You will see in the pictures that they have little tabs that get pressed into a slot along the length of the threads, making for a rigid system that will not be affected at all by vibration. If the hole that requires maintenance is a thru hole, this would be the way to go.

I think both will work well for you, but before you attempt to use either, make sure you have enough real estate to hold them in place.

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