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2019-12-03 Bluetooth Pairing

BlueTooth Pairing 


Zumo 590, Sena SM10, Sena 20S, iPhone 6+


1)   Overview

a)   Pair all devices so that:

i)     Phone calls can be made and received

ii)   Music from iPhone

iii)Music from 590 .mp3

iv)Radar detector

b)   Initial steps

i)     Unpair all existing pairings

ii)   Reboot



2)   Unpairing

a)   iPhone6

i)     SettingsÞBluetooth Þ‘Forget this Device

b)   Sena 20S

i)     Depress ‘Jog Button’ (round in middle) until ‘Configuration Menu’ heard after voice prompt ‘Intercom Pairing’.

ii)   Rotate dial CCW ~4 clicks until ‘Delete all Pairings’ heard.

iii)Press ‘Phone’ button (small black rubber button on side)

c)   590 Zumo

i)     SettingsÞBluetooth Þ‘Unpair Device’

d)   Sena SM10

i)     Hold center button down ~14 seconds until both Orange and Blue lights flash quickly

ii)   Release button then press once

iii)Both lights should be solid on, no blinking


3)   Pairing – must be done in this order

a)   iPhone to 590

i)     iPhoneÞSettings ÞBluetooth

ii)   590ÞSettings ÞBluetooth

iii)590Þ‘Initial Bluetooth Setup Screen’ Þpress iPhone icon

iv)590ÞPress ‘OK’ at ‘Set Phone to Discover’ prompt

v)   iPhoneÞ‘Pair’

vi)iPhoneÞ‘Allow Sync’

vii)        590 Þ‘Done’

viii)       590ÞApps ÞPhone. Wait a minute or two. Screen should have:

(1)Call Home

(2)Phone Book

(3)Browse Categories

(4)Call History


(6)Voice Dial

ix)  If missing last three, 

(1)590ÞSettings ÞBluetooth turn BT off then back on

b)   iPhone to 20S

i)     iPhoneÞSettings ÞBluetooth

ii)   20SÞHold ‘Phone’ Button 5 seconds until ‘Phone Pairing’ prompt

iii)iPhoneÞSelect ‘Sena20s’. Should hear ‘Headset is Paired’ prompt

c)   SM10 to 20s

i)     SM10ÞPress center button approximately 7 seconds until Orange light flashes quickly

ii)   20SÞDepress ‘Jog’button 5 seconds until ‘Intercom Pairing’ prompt then within 1 second depress ‘Phone’button. Should hear ‘Second mobile phone pairing’ prompt.

(1)Should soon hear ‘Your headset is paired’ followed by ‘Phone Connected’

4)   Testing

a)   590

i)     Þ590 ÞMedia Player Þset Input to MP3 ÞPlay

ii)   Þ590 ÞMedia Player Þset Input to iPhone/iPod ÞPlay


b)   Phone

i)     Music

(1)Be sure 590 Input is set to ‘iPhone/iPod’

(2)iPhoneÞMusic ÞPlay

ii)   Have someone call you, answer on 590. Can you hear them?

(1)Can they hear you? If not:

(a)iPhoneÞchange phone call screen to ‘Sena20s’. You have to be using Mobile Phone1 pairing to transmit. When you hang up, everything will default to normal parameters.

c)   GPS

i)     With music playing, start a route. Should hear directions.


d)   Radar Detector

i)     Turn off and on, should hear squawks in headset/earbuds 

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