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2019-12-20 CBX Wrenching - Alternator, tires, chain, sprockets, grease job, etc


2019-12-20 Carb Removal at Ray's Shop

Some pics that Ray sent me. Steering head bearings grease, swing arm and shock linkage grease, compression test = 155 all 6 not 170 per manual but it will come back with good run time... Alternator clutch milled .040" for flat surfaces. Will remove and store on shelf for future buyer to pay too much money.

New tires of right size, chain, sprockets, spark plugs, and aftermarket alternator from TimsCBX on order. Also new FOBO T-Valve stems. Hey, it's only money, right? The new alternator is self-contained.. Rectifier, Regulator, stator, all one unit. Simply plug into output OEM harness and good to go with electric gear and GPS!

Gotta get Ray a better phone/camera combo! 

New rubber carb boots already purchased and hopefully at Ray's place.

Carbs of and shipped to, Jack Wagner. Leaving original Patina, not making 'super pretty' as they are only original once.

Love the trellis style bag case.

Hopefully spring 2020 will get the CBX home to ride.

Ray also cleaned up the battery acid that marked the swing arm and center stand.



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