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2020-02-26 BumbleBee Rectifier - NewBars


2020-02-26 Rectifier Replacement, New Handlebars

No charging voltage at the battery. Hmmmmm.

Found a manual online, paid my $$ and downloaded it.

Then found a free one.. same exact manual. Oh well.

That's it. Note the upper wire heat damage to plastic insulator. It got hot.

Oh yeah.

Found a new part on PartZilla. Later found out this part is commonly available from other sources for less money AND it's been replaced with a higher current rating.

While here, bought a new AGM battery and rebuilt the wiring to main harness.

And replaced the oil delivery line.. The old one was brittle.

To remove the bars, took pics of wiring inside headlight shell.. As the throttle housing holds the Run/Stop switch and the clutch side is high/low beam switch.

I know, it's pretty simple but I've been fooled before...

Of all the damn things.. The throttle cable. The adjuster screws directly into the housing. So the wiring harness has to be disconnected, you make your best guess for throttle cable length, put it back together again, say CRAP, then repeat the process.
And nooo, the adjuster you see downstream... is useless. Either someone installed an incorrect cable or Yamaha messed up from the factory.

In the end I won. New handlebars on, charging circuit works, throttle cable works, all is good!

Next up - chain, sprockets, chain guard.



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