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2020-02-25 Tread Cutter and Hour Meter - Hardline Products


2020-02-25 Hardline Products Tread Cutter and Hour Meter

Needed to shave some side knobbies off the 125 Yamaha  as I had installed an oversized tire and it's rubbing on the chain guard. Found this nifty little product and pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately, it didn't work as advertised. It's as if the tip doesn't get hot enough to cleanly cut through the rubber like a hot knife through butter.

Ended up using a single-edged razor blade held by vice grips.

The first indication might have a Q-Code that didn't work..

Also bought an hour meter for Mowie-Mowie, the 1987 Sears riding mower. Did NOT know the battery is not replaceable.. Although Hardline claims a 10 year life.

I provided constructive feedback to Hardline Products via their website.

Hello Don,

Thanks for writing. My replies in GREEN

    Message: HiYa Guys,

    Recently purchased both a hour meter and USA TreadDoctor

    Hate to say it, but I'm disappointed in both products.

    The hour meter mode button is intermittent. Press the button, sometimes it works, most time it doesn't. Even just toggling between Hours and RPM takes 5 or so attempts. Getting into Settings is even more difficult. Most of the time, while depressing the button, the button loses contact and sends you back to the 'Main' menu of Hours or RPM. What is the part number of the hour meter? This is located on the back of the packaging above the barcode. If you do not have the packaging anymore can you send me a picture of the meter?

    The TreadDoctor simply doesn't get hot enough. Waited 20 minutes, watched the video, and it simply is too cool, not hot enough, to even come close to matching the performance demonstrated in the video. Did the barrel of the TD turn brown? The tip of the blade should be at 350-375 degree’s. Do you have a Thermometer you can put on edge of the blade to verify?

    This was on a new tire that was to large, so simply trying to remove some of the side knobby profile for chain guard clearance. I ended up using a single edged razor blade held with vice grips. The iron is good for about 1/2 of a knobby trim, then the temperature drops below a nice hot cutting zone into a frustratingly slow burn/cut. If the temp is not hot enough the cutting will be difficult. Let’s get the answer to the above question if possible.

    I hardly ever complain back to the mfrs when products don't work as advertised. But you guys seem legit, and thought you might want to hear some constructive criticism from a first time customer. Thank you for reaching out to try to resolve this. We want you satisfied

    You have my contact info above, feel free to email, call, text for more info.    

    Thank You

The gentleman wanted to know the tip temperature. I wanted to see if possibly the problem is an under-voltage condition as I'm powering up through a long extension cord, 108 VAC. So out comes the voltmeter and IR temp gun. Fired up the generators and as you can see, with tread cutter on, 121 VAC.

Well, OK, 120.8.. round up!

In average mode, 417F.

I need someone to volunteer, put your finger on the tip, let me know if it's hot?

So, no answers yet. Need to repeat with generator power and try another tire.

I will say HardLine has good customer support to this point.

More to come...

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