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2020-03-13 Pie Ride - First ride after surgeries


Interesting times. The COVID-19 virus has ruined the stock market, caused thousands of deaths worldwide, has shutdown any public gathering greater than 250 people. SuperCross and all major sports are cancelled.  I've lost over 50,000 dollars in the stock market. Should have pulled the money out and bought a 790 KTM.

In late January 2020 had abdo surgery followed two weeks later with bunyon and hammertoe surgery.

Today was my first ride after those events. Decided to take Wabs, the DL650 Suzuki, as she weighs less than the FJR.

The Boyz wanted to ride Pismo to Santa Maria, east on 166, south on 33 'The Place' in Ventucopa for pie. Then over Lockwood Valley to Pine Mountain. I knew my left toe wasn't up to that many shifts on a tight twisty curvy road and decided to leave Barries Boyz after pie and ride my own loop through Taft and then back home via 58 west, Shell Creek, and 41 west.

Much discussion about the Pine Mtn ride.. would the county road be open, passable? There are lots of washout areas on the road and the region had heavy rains recently. The Boyz decided to give it a go and did find at least one 'iffy' spot. Wasn't there, but I hear that Brian on the GSA tipped over. Worse yet, no one took a picture of the dirt nap! 

To the video.


2020-03-13 Pie Run - First Ride Post Surgeries from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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