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2020-03-28 Corona-19 Ride 2


Corona-19 Ride 2

The Corona-19 virus continues to rage across the world. 36,912 deaths so far.
In the USA, death rate expected to be in the 150,000 to 200,000 area with millions of infections.

So let's ride.. but stop NO where, see NO one, just sit in the saddle and ride.
Mansion on the hill, Geneseo road, Paso Robles CA.

Sign advertising 'Take Out Food'.

The old Cardiff Stud Ranch, formerly owned by Alex Trebick sp?

Headed to the new bridge..

Wow. It's finally done.

These peeps think it's still Halloween.

Trick or Treat!


Shortest pilot car distance ever traveled. Creating work. Workers doing a good job on social distancing.

Heading into Paso Robles.

Cool old brick house..

Headed up Peachy Canyon Rd. This guy stores his collection in an unusual place..

Mossy trees. Peachy Canyon.

This reminded me of the Windows XP opening splash screen.

From Peachy, left hand turn onto Vineyard.

Need some CBD salves?

To go with your walnuts?

For once, I'm not working a spring outage. Instead, cooped inside due to COVID-19. Too bad, it's pretty out here.

Interesting B&B.

Walnut orchard.

Stopping NO-where means finding secluded roads to go pee!

This road should do it..

Wonder what these oily, shiny leaves of 3 are? Who knows, I'll just walk on in, hang it out and pee!

KrZy8 awaits.

BTW, the last few pics have bee Jack Creek Road.

HiWay 46 to the left.

46 to Old Creek Road, headed towards Morro Bay.

An FJR rider, 2014, red.. He was waving like he hadn't seen another human in about two weeks!

Poppies coming out..

Whale rock reservoir, overlooking Cayucos.

Pretty valley.

Morro Rock.

A Trump supporter in disguise?

Giovanni's open for take out only.

Ghost town, Morro Bay.

No parking problems today.

Old geezer out for a run. At least he can still run!

Boat launch parking open. Heard that Morro rock parking lot is closed.

Entering the state park, Morro Bay.

Road closed ahead. So much for riding Turri Canyon today.

Bayside cafe open, take out. I saw two chefs when I cruised by.
They looked hopeful, like I would buy some food. But this was a NO contact ride!

Pretty colors, no rentals today.

Park is closed too.

Sheep in the field don't care about no CV-19..

One of our neighbors puts appropriate messages in this hollow tree trunk. Christmas, Halloween, Covid-19!

The last shot. Had a good ride. 

Stay safe my friends. Stay inside. You get the gig..


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