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2020-04-23 Battery Weirdness

Rambling. 3 year old AGM battery drooped to 11.2 volts due to not-yet-found small parasitic draw and unknown-to-me unplugged battery tender. 2006 Yamaha FJ1300 still started and on-board voltmeter jumped to 14.3 vdc.
All good. Now get a energized battery tender connected and let the battery come up nice and easy with a slow charge rate.
Check it in a couple of days and, say whaaaaat? 11.5 vdc?
Check everything. Pig tail good. In line fuse on connection cable good. Battery terminals clean and tight.
Try another battery tender-like charger, a known good unit. Still no charge.
OK, go for the 10 amp charger. Whoya. 8 amps draw. Let it charge for 2 or 3 minutes the disconnect. Don’t like 8 amps into AGM batteries.
Reconnect Battery Tender. No charge. OK. WTFO?
Back to the big gun. Screw it. Charge or die, battery. 2 hours later, charge needle twitching around the zero amp mark.
Remove BigGun charger and put tender back on. Now all is good, the battery tender is trickle charging.
No clue why the tender wouldn’t charge from 11.2 VDC. Must be the battery has some weird minor internal shorting going on and only the big gun charger could burn through the shorts with massive amps? I don’t know.
Or even care, outside of academic exercise and curiosty.
So yesterday, based on Mark’s good experiences, bought a Shorai Li battery. It will go in the ‘long distance’ FJR, the 2013. That battery will trickle down to the 2006 ‘local ride’ FJR.
BTW, the Shorai’s have come down in price.


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