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2020-05-28 Carb Replacement


2020-05-28 Carb Swap

The carb clean didn't fix a thing. Somewhere there's a passage I'm not seeing to clear. At the carb end there's round press-fit stamped metal block off plate. I think it's behind that plate. To remove the plate would be foolish..So I bought an Amazon from China carb for 40 USD. It came with air filter, spark plug, carb, and gasket.

Machining on the new carb is a bit rough, but good enough.

First some pics of the linkage, since I forgot I had already taken pictures earlier.... sigh.

Throttle cable.


The block off plate talked about above seen in this pic.








New carb. Didn't fit. The feedback link interferes with the choke cam.

Ended up swapping this carb for a used carb off a 3.5 hp Briggs and Stratton. Rototiller has a 4 hp Briggs. The only difference is the fuel pick up length. The 3.5 hp has a smaller gas tank, thus a shorter pickup tube. So when installed in a larger, deeper tank, it won't pick up all the fuel. 

But it now runs great, so for now I'm done. Later, I'll get a longer pick up tube. Looks like the part is available separately.

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