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2020-06-23 MowieMowie Info


2020-06-23 MowieMowie Info

Update 2023-03-21

model = 917254310

sn = 0437s011654


Use this all as one number



starter new part 497596

        oem part 394808


Blades are - 532025036  


Mower deck belt 532106085 old number 106085X


Lawn Tractor Blade Drive Belt, 17/32 x 79-1/10-in (replaces 106085X, 5321060-85)

Part 532106085


Lawn Tractor Ground Drive Belt, 1/2 x 90-in (replaces 125907X, 592855301)

Part 532125907




4L9xxxx belt NOT correct.

Blade Info


Old belt info



Here's the proven belt info.. THIS WORKS. Get from Sears not Napa, especially the drive belt..

Mower belt.

Drive belt.


Mower belt number.

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