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2020-07-18 SM, Pozo, Atown, Morro Bay, Cambria,


2020-07-18 Barrie's Boyz and Guuuurrrll minus a Barrie

Barrie is under the weather so Rick Oliver was our intrepid leader today. A fun ride, a little hot. Pozo, when we arrived, was empty! No lines for food, plenty of vacant picnic tables to responsibly social distance while our pie holes were open stuffing hamburgers and onion rings.. 

Funny story.. ready to leave Pozo, walking across the grass, I hear:

  "Hey Carver! CARVER!"

I turn around and it's the group at the far table. I instantly recognize and identify Jim Steele, my ex general foreman from Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. The others at the table are familair faces, but can't place the names.

I amble on over, and one of them speaks up, and I  recall his name, George.

Jim says, with a smile on his face:

   "George said he'd recognize that walk anywhere, it had to be CARVER!" (I might be a *tad* bow-legged).. 

After Pozo, Rick and Carolyn split to Herb's for some Kawi Ninja repair, Ken F went home<?>, so Rick and I continued on as Grover Washington would say, 'Just the two of us'.

2020-07-18 SM, Pozo, Atown, MB, Cambria from dcarver220b on Vimeo.

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